Recent measures have significantly impacted many of our work routines and lifestyles. It is almost as if time has stood still. Some entrepreneurs are hanging their heads in despair. Worried about maintaining your business and complying with quarantine measures? It is not easy and we are here for you.
SuperFaktura will help you with many tasks related to your business without having to run unnecessarily around to offices, to the accountant, to the post office or to the stationery store.
Why is it so SUPER to have SuperFaktura?
What advantages are there to invoicing online?
Everything in its place
We take great pride in ensuring the documents issued in SuperFaktura always look attractive and professional. You will be issuing invoices with a few clicks, easily, and always in line with current legislation. Everything will be at your fingertips, whether you are in the office, at home, at a cottage or somewhere on a deserted island.
A partner in challenging times
Our customer service has not wavered, even in this most unusual time - we are working as hard as ever, even from home. We are superheroes at resolving problems and are invincible together with our team. If you need any help, you can find us online on a daily basis on chat, via email or over the phone on business days from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Greet your accountant via email
If you use SuperFaktura to maintain all your records (including received cost-related documents in addition to issued invoices), there is no need to turn over your accounting records in person or send them by post. You can give your accountant access to your accounts to enable them to download them directly from SuperFaktura in a format suitable for your accounting software. And best of all: this feature is available in all three subscription packages, there is no extra charge.
To the post office? Now you don’t have to!
Simply send an invoice via email with a few clicks. And what if your client wants a paper invoice? Take advantage of our hybrid mail service and we’ll ensure your invoice is printed, placed in an envelope and then mailed to the correct recipient on your behalf.
Leave it up to us
Many processes can be automated thanks to SuperFaktura. Issue and send invoices, send reminders, pair payments, thank a client for paying you ... The system can do it all for you. You are then free to focus on more important matters.
Cooperate with colleagues
Responsible for invoicing at your company? But now you are home, taking care of the children, and their schooling, and simply don't have any time? With the Premium Package, you can create access in SuperFaktura for other colleagues and divide up invoicing between you.