From anywhere, anytime
SuperFactura can be used anywhere, whether you have a Windows, a Mac, or a smart phone whether you are on the beach by the sea, on the skiing in the Alps, or enjoy the peace and quiet of the D1 traffic.
SuperFactura can be used anywhere, whether you have a Windows, a Mac, or a smart phone whether you are on the beach by the sea, on the skiing in the Alps, or enjoy the peace and quiet of the D1 traffic.
Issuing an invoice with us is simple. Just a few clicks, write an item, select a client, and you're done. Instead of worries, nerves and unnecessary listing, you can devote yourself to something more fun.
We are monitoring the legislation for you, so you do not have to worry about it. This ensures that the formal page of the document is always correct. Whether you are a payer or a non-payer of VAT, or you issue an invoice to a domestic or foreign customer.
Safety and protection of your data is one of our highest priorities. In order to protect them from abuse, loss, theft or damage, we regularly apply the tests to reveal possible weak spots.
SuperFaktura can communicate with your eshop, CRM, stock and company information system, and maybe you can teach her to work with a smart toaster. And just as easily transfer the data to your accounting system or courier service interface.
We are pleased to help companies large and small achieve success:
Call us, write an email, or have fun chatting online. The most often you will be in contact with Alča or Cyntia, but if they were on holiday, there will always be someone answering your questions.
Faktúra vyrobená
Vaša faktúra je hotová, môžete si ju uložiť vo formáte PDF. Ak z tejto stránky odídete, my na ňu hneď zabudneme. Nebudete ju už môcť neskôr upraviť.Ak by ste si ju predsa len chceli odložiť, a faktúru nájdete vo svojom účte.
Založte si účet na SuperFaktúre a počas 30 dní bezplatne a nezáväzne vyskúšajte, čo všetko s faktúrami dokážeme. Aj s cenovými ponukami, objednávkami, dodacími listami, úhradami, bankovými pohybmi, nákladmi, automatickými upomienkami, prehľadmi fakturácie a cashflow, knihou jázd, exportami do účtovníctva, exportami pre kuriérov, online platbami, …
Vystavujete faktúry robotickou rýchlosťou!
Bohužiaľ, minuli sa zásoby doplňovaných položiek. Skúste opäť o chvíľu alebo vyplňte údaje ručne.
Už len krôčik
Sme si takmer na 111% istí, že
Vašim požiadavkám vyhovuje ten správny balík
Už len krôčik